The Promise of Hope
The promising seedling is symbolic of Timber Bay’s Christ-centered ministry. Fifty years ago, Timber Bay was born of a simple idea: Help those youth who struggle through adolescence into becoming strong, resilient adults via long-term mentoring relationships — and to do that within the context of both shared experiences in God’s great outdoors and ongoing involvement with kids in their home communities.
Maybe growing into healthy adulthood has never been easy, but today we are witnessing fast growing changes within our culture that hinder healthy development. Those values the broader culture once agreed upon — the things that once rooted young people — are now increasingly in a state of flux.
Some throw up their hands in frustration about our prevailing cultural drift, but we choose to roll up our sleeves and engage struggling youth with life-giving hope found in Christ. While we are currently reaching about 1,200 youth per year, we are compelled to grow to meet the ever growing need for mentorship with the struggling youth in our communities. We are now entering a season of new growth.
The Growing Forward Campaign outlines our goals and objectives for increasing our capacity for ministry. We hope that you will take some time to read about our mission and consider your part in helping us reach more troubled youth with Christ’s message of hope.
Please contact me if you have any questions, or if you would like to visit in person about Timber Bay.
Jon Ring
President, Timber Bay/Youth Investment

How this Campaign Will Build Capacity
Growing Staff
This campaign will allow us to provide:
Financial Health – $257,400
- Matching Funds to help incentivize staff become fully funded
- Helping with Additional costs of ministry
Staff Development and Benefits – $577,600
- Develop a health care reimbursement plan for all Timber Bay staff
- Launch a first ever matching 403B plan
- Care for the spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial health of our staff

Thriving Foundation
Central Support Services-$475,000
- Adding key positions for sustained growth:
– Executive Assistant
– Recruiting/HR Director
– Advancement Director
- Deepening relationships and engagement opportunities with key ministry supporters to increase Timber Bay’s financial health
- Expand our reach to hire more diverse staff, both gender and multiethnic
New Growth-$15,000
- Seed money for start-up costs to launch Timber Bay in 5 new communities

Cultivating Camp
Outside Chance Fund (Camp Sponsorship) - $75,000
- Assist students to attend camp over the next 5 years
Timber Bay Camp Facilities - $200,000
- Cabin Roof Replacements - from asphalt to longer-lasting steel
– Eagleview, Main Lodge, and Loginn
- Replace 25-year old carpet and furnishings
– All Cabins, Main Lodge and Loginn
- Exterior Log Surface Protection on 3 log cabins
– Lakeside, Hillside, and WorkCrew
- Insulated Door and Window Replacements for 4 cabins
– Lakeside, Hillside, WorkCrew, and Eagleview
- Replace unsafe and rotting Landscaped Wood Steps with Mahogany Stone
– Steps at Lakeside cabin, 40 Steps to Trailcrest cabin

View the Case for Growing Forward